Nette Documentation Preview

Maintenance and PHP Versions

Nette is a framework with an exceptionally long support period for individual releases. Each branch is an LTS (Long-Term Support Release) with at least 2 years of support.

Each version is actively maintained for a period of one year (or longer) from its initial stable release.
Critical and security bugs are fixed for two years.

Release Calendar (Roadmap)

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PHP Compatibility

Compatibility always applies to the latest release in each series.

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Maintenance and PHP Versions

Nette is a framework with an exceptionally long support period for individual releases. Each branch is an LTS (Long-Term Support Release) with at least 2 years of support.

Each version is actively maintained for a period of one year (or longer) from its initial stable release. Critical and security bugs are fixed for two years.

Release Calendar (Roadmap)

PHP Compatibility

Compatibility always applies to the latest release in each series.