Nette Documentation Preview

Configuring Nette

An overview of all configuration options in the Nette Framework.

The Nette components are configured using configuration files, which are usually written in [NEON|neon:format]. They are best edited in [editors that support it |best-practices:editors-and-tools#ide-editor].
If you are using the full framework, the configuration will be [loaded during booting |application:bootstrap#di-container-configuration], if not, see [how to load the configuration |bootstrap:].

"application .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[application:configuration#Application]: 	"Application .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"constants .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[application:configuration#Constants]: 	"Defines PHP constants .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"database .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[database:configuration]: 		"Database .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"decorator .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#Decorator]: 	"Decorator .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"di .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#DI]: 			"DI Container .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"extensions .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#Extensions]: 	"Install additional DI extensions .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"forms .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[forms:configuration]: 		"Forms .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"http .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[http:configuration#HTTP Headers]: 			"HTTP Headers .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"includes .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#Including files]: 		"Including files .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"latte .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[application:configuration#Latte]: 		"Latte .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"mail .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[mail:#Configuring]: 			"Mailing .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"parameters .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#Parameters]: 	"Parameters .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"php .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[application:configuration#PHP]: 			"PHP configuration options .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"routing .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[application:configuration#Routing]: 		"Routing .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"search .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:configuration#Search]: 		"Automatic service registration .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"security .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[security:configuration]: 		"Access Control .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"services .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[dependency-injection:services]: 		"Services .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"session .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[http:configuration#Session]: 		"Session .[prism-token prism-comment]"<br>
"tracy .[prism-token prism-atrule]":[tracy:configuring#Nette Framework]: 		"Tracy Debugger .[prism-token prism-comment]"

To write a string containing the character `%`, you must escape it by doubling it to `%%`. In version 3.0 it was necessary to double the `@` to distinguish it from the service name. .[note]

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Configuring Nette

An overview of all configuration options in the Nette Framework.

The Nette components are configured using configuration files, which are usually written in NEON. They are best edited in editors that support it. If you are using the full framework, the configuration will be loaded during booting, if not, see how to load the configuration.

 application: 	Application
constants: Defines PHP constants
database: Database
decorator: Decorator
di: DI Container
extensions: Install additional DI extensions
forms: Forms
http: HTTP Headers
includes: Including files
latte: Latte
mail: Mailing
parameters: Parameters
php: PHP configuration options
routing: Routing
search: Automatic service registration
security: Access Control
services: Services
session: Session
tracy: Tracy Debugger

To write a string containing the character %, you must escape it by doubling it to %%. In version 3.0 it was necessary to double the @ to distinguish it from the service name.