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Random Strings Generator

[api:Nette\Utils\Random] is a static class for generating cryptographically secure pseudo-random strings.


composer require nette/utils

generate(int $length=10, string $charlist=`'0-9a-z'`): string .[method]

Generates a random string of given length from characters specified in second argument. Supports intervals, such as `0-9` or `A-Z`.

use Nette\Utils\Random;

Random::generate(10);       // '6zq3a1nl8n'
Random::generate(5, 'A-Z'); // 'HLKUR'

Random Strings Generator

Nette\Utils\Random is a static class for generating cryptographically secure pseudo-random strings.


composer require nette/utils

generate(int $length=10, string $charlist=`'0-9a-z'`)string

Generates a random string of given length from characters specified in second argument. Supports intervals, such as 0-9 or A-Z.

use Nette\Utils\Random;

Random::generate(10);       // '6zq3a1nl8n'
Random::generate(5, 'A-Z'); // 'HLKUR'