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Die folgenden Beispiele gehen davon aus, dass der folgende Klassenalias definiert ist:

use Tracy\Debugger;

Fehlerprotokollierung .[#toc-error-logging]

$logger = Debugger::getLogger();

// if error has occurred the notification is sent to this email
$logger->email = '';      // (string|string[]) defaults to unset

// email sender
$logger->fromEmail = '';   // (string) defaults to unset

// routine for sending email
$logger->mailer = /* ... */;             // (callable) default it sending by mail()

// after what shortest time to send another email?
$logger->emailSnooze = /* ... */;        // (string) default is '2 days'

// for which error levels is BlueScreen also logged?
Debugger::$logSeverity = E_WARNING | E_NOTICE;  // defaults to 0 (no error level)

`dump()` Verhalten .[#toc-dump-behavior]

// maximum string length
Debugger::$maxLength = 150;              // (int) default according to Tracy

// how deep will list
Debugger::$maxDepth = 10;                // (int) default according to Tracy

// hide values of these keys (since Tracy 2.8)
Debugger::$keysToHide = ['password', /* ... */];  // (string[]) defaults to []

// visual theme (since Tracy 2.8)
Debugger::$dumpTheme = 'dark';           // (light|dark) defaults to 'light'

// displays the location where dump() was called?
Debugger::$showLocation = /* ... */;     // (bool) default according to Tracy

Andere .[#toc-others]

// in Development mode, you will see notice or error warnings as BlueScreen
Debugger::$strictMode = /* ... */;       // (bool|int) defaults to false, you can select only specific error levels (e.g. E_USER_DEPRECATED | E_DEPRECATED)

// displays silent (@) error messages
Debugger::$scream = /* ... */;           // (bool|int) defaults to false, since version 2.9 it is possible to select only specific error levels (e.g. E_USER_DEPRECATED | E_DEPRECATED)

// link format to open in the editor
Debugger::$editor = /* ... */;           // (string|null) defaults to 'editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line'

// path to template with custom page for error 500
Debugger::$errorTemplate = /* ... */;    // (string) defaults to unset

// shows Tracy Bar?
Debugger::$showBar = /* ... */;          // (bool) defaults to true

Debugger::$editorMapping = [
	// original => new
	'/var/www/html' => '/data/web',
	'/home/web' => '/srv/html',

Nette Rahmenwerk .[#toc-nette-framework]

Wenn Sie das Nette Framework verwenden, können Sie Tracy auch über die Konfigurationsdatei konfigurieren und der Tracy-Leiste neue Felder hinzufügen.
Sie können die Tracy-Parameter in der Konfiguration einstellen und der Tracy-Leiste auch neue Panels hinzufügen. Diese Einstellungen werden erst nach der Erstellung des DI-Containers angewendet, so dass Fehler, die vorher aufgetreten sind, nicht berücksichtigt werden können.

Konfiguration der Fehlerprotokollierung:

	# if error has occurred the notification is sent to this email
	email:           # (string|string[]) defaults to unset

	# email sender
	fromEmail:     # (string) defaults to unset

	# period of postponement of emails sending (since Tracy 2.8.8)
	emailSnooze: ...                 # (string) defaults to '2 days'

	# to use a mailer defined in the configuration? (since Tracy 2.5)
	netteMailer: ...                 # (bool) defaults to true

	# for which error levels is BlueScreen also logged?
	logSeverity: [E_WARNING, E_NOTICE]  # defaults to []

Konfiguration für die Funktion `dump()`:

	# maximum string length
	maxLength: 150                 # (int) default according to Tracy

	# how deep will list
	maxDepth: 10                   # (int) default according to Tracy

	# hide values of these keys (since Tracy 2.8)
	keysToHide: [password, pass]   # (string[]) defaults to []

	# visual theme (since Tracy 2.8)
	dumpTheme: dark                # (light|dark) defaults to 'light'

	# displays the location where dump() was called?
	showLocation: ...              # (bool) default according to Tracy

So installieren Sie die Tracy-Erweiterung:

	# appends bars to Tracy Bar
		- Nette\Bridges\DITracy\ContainerPanel
		- IncludePanel
		- XDebugHelper('myIdeKey')
		- MyPanel(@MyService)

	# append panels to BlueScreen
		- DoctrinePanel::renderException

Andere Optionen:

	# in Development mode, you will see notice or error warnings as BlueScreen
	strictMode: ...           # defaults to true

	# displays silent (@) error messages
	scream: ...               # defaults to false

	# link format to open in the editor
	editor: ...               # (string) defaults to 'editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line'

	# path to template with custom page for error 500
	errorTemplate: ...        # (string) defaults to unset

	# shows Tracy Bar?
	showBar: ...              # (bool) defaults to true

		# original: new
		/var/www/html: /data/web
		/home/web: /srv/html

Die Werte der Optionen `logSeverity`, `strictMode` und `scream` können als ein Array von Fehlerstufen (z.B. `[E_WARNING, E_NOTICE]`) oder als ein in PHP verwendeter Ausdruck (z.B. `E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE`).

DI-Dienste .[#toc-di-services]

Diese Dienste werden dem DI-Container hinzugefügt:

| Name | Typ | Beschreibung
| `tracy.logger` | [api:Tracy\ILogger] | logger
| `tracy.blueScreen` | [api:Tracy\BlueScreen] | BlueScreen
| `` | [api:Tracy\Bar] | Tracy Bar


Die folgenden Beispiele gehen davon aus, dass der folgende Klassenalias definiert ist:

use Tracy\Debugger;


$logger = Debugger::getLogger();

// if error has occurred the notification is sent to this email
$logger->email = '';      // (string|string[]) defaults to unset

// email sender
$logger->fromEmail = '';   // (string) defaults to unset

// routine for sending email
$logger->mailer = /* ... */;             // (callable) default it sending by mail()

// after what shortest time to send another email?
$logger->emailSnooze = /* ... */;        // (string) default is '2 days'

// for which error levels is BlueScreen also logged?
Debugger::$logSeverity = E_WARNING | E_NOTICE;  // defaults to 0 (no error level)

dump() Verhalten

// maximum string length
Debugger::$maxLength = 150;              // (int) default according to Tracy

// how deep will list
Debugger::$maxDepth = 10;                // (int) default according to Tracy

// hide values of these keys (since Tracy 2.8)
Debugger::$keysToHide = ['password', /* ... */];  // (string[]) defaults to []

// visual theme (since Tracy 2.8)
Debugger::$dumpTheme = 'dark';           // (light|dark) defaults to 'light'

// displays the location where dump() was called?
Debugger::$showLocation = /* ... */;     // (bool) default according to Tracy


// in Development mode, you will see notice or error warnings as BlueScreen
Debugger::$strictMode = /* ... */;       // (bool|int) defaults to false, you can select only specific error levels (e.g. E_USER_DEPRECATED | E_DEPRECATED)

// displays silent (@) error messages
Debugger::$scream = /* ... */;           // (bool|int) defaults to false, since version 2.9 it is possible to select only specific error levels (e.g. E_USER_DEPRECATED | E_DEPRECATED)

// link format to open in the editor
Debugger::$editor = /* ... */;           // (string|null) defaults to 'editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line'

// path to template with custom page for error 500
Debugger::$errorTemplate = /* ... */;    // (string) defaults to unset

// shows Tracy Bar?
Debugger::$showBar = /* ... */;          // (bool) defaults to true

Debugger::$editorMapping = [
	// original => new
	'/var/www/html' => '/data/web',
	'/home/web' => '/srv/html',

Nette Rahmenwerk

Wenn Sie das Nette Framework verwenden, können Sie Tracy auch über die Konfigurationsdatei konfigurieren und der Tracy-Leiste neue Felder hinzufügen. Sie können die Tracy-Parameter in der Konfiguration einstellen und der Tracy-Leiste auch neue Panels hinzufügen. Diese Einstellungen werden erst nach der Erstellung des DI-Containers angewendet, so dass Fehler, die vorher aufgetreten sind, nicht berücksichtigt werden können.

Konfiguration der Fehlerprotokollierung:

	# if error has occurred the notification is sent to this email
	email:           # (string|string[]) defaults to unset

	# email sender
	fromEmail:     # (string) defaults to unset

	# period of postponement of emails sending (since Tracy 2.8.8)
	emailSnooze: ...                 # (string) defaults to '2 days'

	# to use a mailer defined in the configuration? (since Tracy 2.5)
	netteMailer: ...                 # (bool) defaults to true

	# for which error levels is BlueScreen also logged?
	logSeverity: [E_WARNING, E_NOTICE]  # defaults to []

Konfiguration für die Funktion dump():

	# maximum string length
	maxLength: 150                 # (int) default according to Tracy

	# how deep will list
	maxDepth: 10                   # (int) default according to Tracy

	# hide values of these keys (since Tracy 2.8)
	keysToHide: [password, pass]   # (string[]) defaults to []

	# visual theme (since Tracy 2.8)
	dumpTheme: dark                # (light|dark) defaults to 'light'

	# displays the location where dump() was called?
	showLocation: ...              # (bool) default according to Tracy

So installieren Sie die Tracy-Erweiterung:

	# appends bars to Tracy Bar
		- Nette\Bridges\DITracy\ContainerPanel
		- IncludePanel
		- XDebugHelper('myIdeKey')
		- MyPanel(@MyService)

	# append panels to BlueScreen
		- DoctrinePanel::renderException

Andere Optionen:

	# in Development mode, you will see notice or error warnings as BlueScreen
	strictMode: ...           # defaults to true

	# displays silent (@) error messages
	scream: ...               # defaults to false

	# link format to open in the editor
	editor: ...               # (string) defaults to 'editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line'

	# path to template with custom page for error 500
	errorTemplate: ...        # (string) defaults to unset

	# shows Tracy Bar?
	showBar: ...              # (bool) defaults to true

		# original: new
		/var/www/html: /data/web
		/home/web: /srv/html

Die Werte der Optionen logSeverity, strictMode und scream können als ein Array von Fehlerstufen (z.B. [E_WARNING, E_NOTICE]) oder als ein in PHP verwendeter Ausdruck (z.B. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE).


Diese Dienste werden dem DI-Container hinzugefügt:

Name Typ Beschreibung
tracy.logger Tracy\ILogger logger
tracy.blueScreen Tracy\BlueScreen BlueScreen Tracy\Bar Tracy Bar