Nette Documentation Preview

Documentation Syntax

Documentation uses Markdown & [Texy syntax |] with several enhancements.


For internal references, the notation in square brackets `[link]` is used. This is either in the form with a vertical bar `[link text |link target]`, or in the abbreviated form `[link text]` if the target is the same as the text (after transformation to lower case and hyphens):

- `[Page name]` -> `<a href="/en/page-name">Page name</a>`
- `[link text |Page name]` -> `<a href="/en/page-name">link text</a>`

We can link to another language or another section. A section is a Nette library (e.g. `forms`, `latte`, etc.) or special sections like `best-practices`, `quickstart`, etc:

- `[cs:Page name]` -> `<a href="/cs/page-name">Page name</a>` (same section, different language)
- `[tracy:Page name]` -> `<a href="//">Page name</a>` (different section, same language)
- `[tracy:cs:Page name]` -> `<a href="//">Page name</a>` (different section and language)

It's also possible to target specific heading on page with `#`.

- `[#Heading]` -> `<a href="#toc-heading">Heading</a>` (heading on the current page)
- `[Page name#Heading]` -> `<a href="/en/page-name#toc-heading">Page name</a>`

Link to section's home page: (`@home` is special term for section's home page)

- `[link text |@home]` -> `<a href="/en/">link text</a>`
- `[link text |tracy:]` -> `<a href="//">link text</a>`

Links to API Documentation

Always use the following notations:

- `[api:Nette\SmartObject]` -> [api:Nette\SmartObject]
- `[api:Nette\Forms\Form::setTranslator()]` -> [api:Nette\Forms\Form::setTranslator()]
- `[api:Nette\Forms\Form::$onSubmit]` -> [api:Nette\Forms\Form::$onSubmit]
- `[api:Nette\Forms\Form::Required]` -> [api:Nette\Forms\Form::Required]

Fully qualified names use only in the first mention. For other links, use a simplified name:

- `[Form::setTranslator() |api:Nette\Forms\Form::setTranslator()]` -> [Form::setTranslator() |api:Nette\Forms\Form::setTranslator()]

Links to PHP Documentation

- `[php:substr]` -> [php:substr]

Source Code

Code block starts with <code>&#96;&#96;&#96;lang</code> and ends with <code>&#96;&#96;&#96;</code>. Supported languages are `php`, `latte`, `neon`, `html`, `css`, `js` and `sql`. Always use tabs for indenting.

	public function renderPage($id)

You can also specify the filename as <code>&#96;&#96;&#96;php .{file: ArrayTest.php}</code> and the code block will be rendered this way:

```php .{file: ArrayTest.php}
public function renderPage($id)


Top heading (page name) underline with stars (`*`). For normal headings use equal signs (`=`) and then hyphens (`-`).

MVC Applications & Presenters

Link Creation

Links in Templates

Boxes and Styles

Lead paragraph marked with class `.[perex]` .[perex]

Notes marked with class `.[note]` .[note]

Tip marked with class `.[tip]` .[tip]

Warning marked with class `.[caution]` .[caution]

Strong warning marked with class `.[warning]` .[warning]

Version number `.{data-version:2.4.10}` .{data-version:2.4.10}

Classes should be written before the related line:

This is a note.

Please note that boxes such as `.[tip]` draws attention and therefore should be used for emphasizing, not for less important information.

Table of Contents

Table of contents (links in the sidebar) is automatically generated when page is longer than 4 000 bytes. This default behavior can be changed with a `{{toc}}` [meta tag |#meta-tags]. The text for TOC is taken by default from the heading but it is possible to use a different text with a `.{toc}` modifier. This is especially useful for longer headings.


Long and Intelligent Heading .{toc: A Different Text for TOC}

Meta Tags

- setting your own page title (in `<title>` and breadcrumbs) `{{title: Another name}}`
- redirecting `{{redirect: pla:cs}}` - see [#links]
- enforcing `{{toc}}` or disabling `{{toc: no}}` table of content

{{priority: -1}}

Documentation Syntax

Documentation uses Markdown & Texy syntax with several enhancements.

For internal references, the notation in square brackets [link] is used. This is either in the form with a vertical bar [link text |link target], or in the abbreviated form [link text] if the target is the same as the text (after transformation to lower case and hyphens):

  • [Page name]<a href="/en/page-name">Page name</a>
  • [link text |Page name]<a href="/en/page-name">link text</a>

We can link to another language or another section. A section is a Nette library (e.g. forms, latte, etc.) or special sections like best-practices, quickstart, etc:

  • [cs:Page name]<a href="/cs/page-name">Page name</a> (same section, different language)
  • [tracy:Page name]<a href="//">Page name</a> (different section, same language)
  • [tracy:cs:Page name]<a href="//">Page name</a> (different section and language)

It's also possible to target specific heading on page with #.

  • [#Heading]<a href="#toc-heading">Heading</a> (heading on the current page)
  • [Page name#Heading]<a href="/en/page-name#toc-heading">Page name</a>

Link to section's home page: (@home is special term for section's home page)

  • [link text |@home]<a href="/en/">link text</a>
  • [link text |tracy:]<a href="//">link text</a>

Always use the following notations:

Fully qualified names use only in the first mention. For other links, use a simplified name:

Source Code

Code block starts with ```lang and ends with ```. Supported languages are php, latte, neon, html, css, js and sql. Always use tabs for indenting.

	public function renderPage($id)

You can also specify the filename as ```php .{file: ArrayTest.php} and the code block will be rendered this way:

public function renderPage($id)


Top heading (page name) underline with stars (*). For normal headings use equal signs (=) and then hyphens (-).

MVC Applications & Presenters

Link Creation

Links in Templates

Boxes and Styles

Lead paragraph marked with class .[perex]

Notes marked with class .[note]

Tip marked with class .[tip]

Warning marked with class .[caution]

Strong warning marked with class .[warning]

Version number .{data-version:2.4.10}

Classes should be written before the related line:

This is a note.

Please note that boxes such as .[tip] draws attention and therefore should be used for emphasizing, not for less important information.

Table of Contents

Table of contents (links in the sidebar) is automatically generated when page is longer than 4 000 bytes. This default behavior can be changed with a {{toc}} meta tag. The text for TOC is taken by default from the heading but it is possible to use a different text with a .{toc} modifier. This is especially useful for longer headings.

Long and Intelligent Heading .{toc: A Different Text for TOC}

Meta Tags

  • setting your own page title (in <title> and breadcrumbs) {{title: Another name}}
  • redirecting {{redirect: pla:cs}} – see links
  • enforcing {{toc}} or disabling {{toc: no}} table of content