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Configuring Forms

You can change the default [form error messages|validation] in the configuration.

		EQUAL: 'Please enter %s.'
		NOT_EQUAL: 'This value should not be %s.'
		FILLED: 'This field is required.'
		BLANK: 'This field should be blank.'
		MIN_LENGTH: 'Please enter at least %d characters.'
		MAX_LENGTH: 'Please enter no more than %d characters.'
		LENGTH: 'Please enter a value between %d and %d characters long.'
		EMAIL: 'Please enter a valid email address.'
		URL: 'Please enter a valid URL.'
		INTEGER: 'Please enter a valid integer.'
		FLOAT: 'Please enter a valid number.'
		MIN: 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to %d.'
		MAX: 'Please enter a value less than or equal to %d.'
		RANGE: 'Please enter a value between %d and %d.'
		MAX_FILE_SIZE: 'The size of the uploaded file can be up to %d bytes.'
		MAX_POST_SIZE: 'The uploaded data exceeds the limit of %d bytes.'
		MIME_TYPE: 'The uploaded file is not in the expected format.'
		IMAGE: 'The uploaded file must be image in format JPEG, GIF, PNG or WebP.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\SelectBox::VALID: 'Please select a valid option.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\UploadControl::VALID: 'An error occurred during file upload.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\CsrfProtection::PROTECTION: 'Your session has expired. Please return to the home page and try again.'

Configuring Forms

You can change the default form error messages in the configuration.

		EQUAL: 'Please enter %s.'
		NOT_EQUAL: 'This value should not be %s.'
		FILLED: 'This field is required.'
		BLANK: 'This field should be blank.'
		MIN_LENGTH: 'Please enter at least %d characters.'
		MAX_LENGTH: 'Please enter no more than %d characters.'
		LENGTH: 'Please enter a value between %d and %d characters long.'
		EMAIL: 'Please enter a valid email address.'
		URL: 'Please enter a valid URL.'
		INTEGER: 'Please enter a valid integer.'
		FLOAT: 'Please enter a valid number.'
		MIN: 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to %d.'
		MAX: 'Please enter a value less than or equal to %d.'
		RANGE: 'Please enter a value between %d and %d.'
		MAX_FILE_SIZE: 'The size of the uploaded file can be up to %d bytes.'
		MAX_POST_SIZE: 'The uploaded data exceeds the limit of %d bytes.'
		MIME_TYPE: 'The uploaded file is not in the expected format.'
		IMAGE: 'The uploaded file must be image in format JPEG, GIF, PNG or WebP.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\SelectBox::VALID: 'Please select a valid option.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\UploadControl::VALID: 'An error occurred during file upload.'
		Nette\Forms\Controls\CsrfProtection::PROTECTION: 'Your session has expired. Please return to the home page and try again.'